Professional Development Workshops and Webinars

Bureau of Education & Research

Using the Best Strategies from Singapore to Strengthen Your Math Instruction (Grades K–6)

May 1st & May 3rd 2024   

Outstanding Strategies You Can Use Immediately 

The very best math strategies from Singapore and how to easily incorporate them into your math instruction – no matter what curriculum you use. Proven techniques from Singapore to strengthen your students' skill and confidence in math. Engaging mental math strategies that enable students to master basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Ways to help students see, manipulate, and understand how math works – no matter their skill level. Tools from Singapore to build logic and number sense with all students in grades K–6. How to help students more successfully solve word problems using Singapore's bar model approach. Motivating games and activities from Singapore that build your students' math fluency. Dozens of practical teaching techniques used in Singapore that have consistently made their students among the highest performing in the world in mathematics.

Aspire Learning Academy

Singapore Math Professional

May 30th and May 31st 2024
9:30–11:30AM PST | Webinar
June 7th, 2024 9:30–11:30AM PST | Webinar

May 30th 9:30-11:30AM – Introduction
to Singapore Math and Curriculum
Implementation – Grades 1-5
May 31st 9:30-11:30AM – Singapore
Math Horizontal Strategies and Bar
Modelling – Grades 1-5

Cost: $200 per session or $300 for
both morning sessions per teacher.
School Rate: $1500 for school group of teachers for both sessions or $1000 for school group of teachers for one session.

June 7th, 2024 9:30-11:30AM –
Singapore Math Advanced Bar
Modelling Strategies – Grades 4-6

Cost: $300 per session per teacher.
School Rate: $1000 for school group of teachers


Register here

Math Champions Professional Development

Jumpstart Your Singapore Math | Live, on-site, interactive workshops
Los Angeles, California | July 22–23, 2024
Denver, Colorado | July 25–26, 2024

A unique, hands-on, 2-day learning opportunity that covers all the essential elements of Singapore’s highly acclaimed math program, including strategies, number sense, model drawing, and curriculum.

Jumpstart Your Singapore Math Online | An online version of our flagship workshop

One year of access to nearly six hours of recorded video content, and
A Singapore Math Sourcebook, our 130+ page resource handbook

Singapore Math Coach

Singapore Math Teacher Institute

This online workshop provides a foundational understanding of the Singapore math approach from the comfort of your own home (or coffee shop or beach house). This course is ideal for anyone teaching a Singapore math style curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 5. For those teaching Grade 6 and beyond, this course will provide a strong foundation with which to support your students.

Registration is ongoing. Take this course any time.

Please note: The events listed here are not hosted by Singapore Math. Please follow the links and direct all inquiries to the hosts of your workshop. Thank you!